Agatha Christie’s The Rats
Peter Hale’s A Small Step for England!
18th May – 3 pm
Kings Head Theatre
Agatha Christie Christie’s dark and chilling play, The Rats
A treat for those who love Agatha Christie – one of her perplexing shorter plays in all its intrigue and deceit. ‘Miss Christie bring to the horror piece The Rats a highly ingenious plot,’ said The Stage.
The Rats Copyright © 1961 Agatha Christie Limited. All rights reserved.
AGATHA CHRISTIE is a registered trademark of Agatha Christie Limited in the UK and elsewhere. All rights reserved.
Peter Hale’s satire, A Small Step for England!
A bit of light relief – yes, England still has something to give the world. In or out, we can still shake it all about.
Cast: Emily O’Mahony / Michael McGarry / Peter Hale/ Anne Murray,
Director and Designer – Paula Chitty
Lighting Bob Grover
Sound operation, Paula Chitty
ABBEY THEATRE – ST ALBANS – www.abbeytheatre.org.uk
Wednesday 24 April, 8.00pm
Friday 26 April, 8.00pm
Saturday 27 April, 8.00pm
KINGS HEAD THEATRE – www.kingsheadtheatre.com
Saturday 18th May 3 pm
Saturday 29th
and Sunday 30th June 7.30pm
Irrational Theatre’s productions are directed and designed by St Albans-based Paula Chitty with a mix of local and London cast to bring you fascinating productions of entertaining plays and opera.